Tuesday 27 March 2012

up at the farm..

Had a lovely afternoon with Lynne and Faith up at the Victory outreach farm on Sunday, meeting all the animals. A lad called Steve introduced me to all the various creatures there - Adam and Eve the turkeys; Samson and Deleila the bull and cow; the 2 disgusting looking pigs whose names I can't recall!  Callie the ex racehorse is impressive and is moving to a field near the fourten locks in a couple of weeks where Lynne and Helen will be looking after her.  The view from the farm is stunning, looking out to Sugarloaf and Table mountain. The sun was shining and it had the feel of a little bit of heaven that afternoon.
Looking forward to a break soon.
I have been working too long without a mini holiday of any kind. I forget that after six weeks or so I need a break, starting to feel the grind and monotony of a job that usually I enthuse over. But I will have a lovely Easter W/E with a trip to Spring Harvest and the Blakes then at the weekend. And then Krakow a week or so later. Hoping the weather holds.... Will we pay for it later?!

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