Tuesday 27 March 2012

Resolutions sliding...

So its weeks since I posted. And having resolved to keep some sort of blog I must not give up just because I have neglected it. A busy few weeks. Feeling like not enough hours in every day and not enough days in every week. Things begin to slip. The shopping doesn't get done. Cooking standards (lol) drop! Reading gets snatched in minutes each day and only a page or two get read. The gym doesn't feature. Headaches increase.
So the sun is shining and it seems summer has arrived early. The blossom in the garden is absolutley gorgeous (must photograph to remember). The potatoes are planted and I put in a few strawberries and have a few little baby veg plants in the greenhouse waiting to get into the bed when they are robust enough.
The "for sale" sign has gone up at the end of the driveway, so I've been doing a bit of "de-cluttering" around the place and trying to get the garden looking a bit tidy. Mixed feelings about it but it feels like the right thing at the moment and hoping Brent Knoll over the other side of town stays on the market for a while longer...

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