Friday 24 February 2012

We set off for Cambridge then and again a little stop en route for a cuppa. The Blakes seemed pleased to see us and we enjoyed meeting Treacle, the cockapoo (I know!) who is a rather lovely small, fluffy and very quiet thing who seems to be a bit of a blessing for Helen.
Stuart took Katy over to her friend Tony who had invited her for dinner (come at 7.30 and you won't be late for dinner; we might have to do the horses; then we will be free for the evening..) and turns out she does have a bit of a mansion. Relatively easy to find but it seems not so easy to return from and twas some great time later found his way back. Later took Bruce with him when collecting Katy (not a St Mary's girl) and found his navigational skills about as poor as having been on his own! lol!  I had a chance to have a good natter with Helen so we were ok.
Saturday morning then they took us for a chilly and blowy walk by the canal, after which we all deserved the cream tea in the cafe of course. On a bit of a schedule so left them early pm and got to our hotel near Oxford in time to swim and sauna before going out for a pub meal.
The hotel I had book was quite something - a massive build on top of a hill with the longest drive imaginable.
See photo below - more to come when I get my camera pics downloaded/uploaded or whatever. This was the hotel lobby which had a "self-playing" piano - very weird...
We missed a chance to see Oxford and Sunday went to Blenheim palace which, although impressive, would be very much better in the summer, as the grounds I think are probs the main thing, and this time of year were obviously not at their best and too chilly to be wandering far in.
All in all tho' a successful road trip I think, with supper in Cheltenham on the way home.

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