Sunday 5 February 2012

Recent viewing...

As I have just finished the book I decided to watch the film - Never Let me go -  How gloomy.Ii think I may have annoyed the other 2 in the room vaguely by anticipating what was to come and commenting on every deviation from the book...wooops. Anyhow,  bit bleak, tru to the book I guess, and leaves you feeling a little sad. Again tho', not enough ups and downs throughout the film to really draw you in and "feel" for the characters...

Best TV at the moment has got to be Borgen - winning hands down, no contest. Last night was the finale - in 2 parts, as usual. So we have saved the final part for tonight. It really is slick, compulsive, a roller-coaster and gripping.  Hoping we will continue to be treated to these sub-titled Scandanavian dramas on a Saturday night cos I am hooked and will need to watch the box set of The Killing part one if there isn't another one showing from next week!

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