Thursday 12 January 2012

Book update...

So, I was impressed by my sister's Christmas letter where she listed her "top five books of the year" and I suddenly wondered, a little horrified, if I had indeed read five books last year!  Little brother Jon fessed up at Christmas that he most certainly had not.  I probably have read perhaps 2 or 3 times as many, but that's not great.  So, thought I'd keep a note here of when I finish a book and what I thought about it. Who knows, maybe I, too, can come up with a top five!

So, completed 2 books this year so far...(slightly cheating as both were started in 2011)
Grace Choices by Jeff Lucas - v good read - he's just as good and inspirational when he's serious as when he's being very silly/funny.
Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden - "the most haunting story of war and loss since Birdsong". Heavy read, just had to keep going. Yes, moving, and enjoyed but...grim. Guess we do need to read about the reality of war..and loss..and suffering.  But next novel gonna be a bit lighter I think...

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